It is said that being overweight is merely the result of consuming and taking in more calories than you burn. They say that if you eat less, then you may also start to weight less. Weight loss and weight control is not as simple as this. The belief that simply cutting back on your food intake can make you lose weight may work on some people who only have a few pounds to shed or who have never really struggled with their weight; however, for individuals who are obese or are suffering from eating disorders, cutting back on food intake just won't do.
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Being overweight and struggling to lose the excess weight can become quite a problem. The sooner this fact is admitted, the sooner positive action can be done. Most of these weight control and weight loss problems are not only caused by over eating. Some of the reasons for gaining or having too much weight include metabolism, genetics, bad eating habits, insufficient exercise, and maybe even psychologically related reasons. Other factors also include the amount and type of food you eat, your lifestyle, the amount of physical activity you are engaged in, whether you treat food as a response to stress, and your age and overall health status.
To overcome these and start on your weight loss journey, you will need to set goals for yourself. Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight - be it for health reasons, aesthetic, or simply just to feel better - successful and effective weight loss depends on the goals you set and the expectations you have. Setting realistic and sensible goals give you a better chance of fulfilling them. Try setting a goal to lose about five to ten percent of your weight - this is a measurable and realistic goal.
You should also never attempt to lose weight drastically and in a short period of time. If you are overweight, it is better to lose the weight on a slow and gradual basis, say losing about two pounds in a single week. This should be done for your safety and to keep your weight loss at a healthy level.
Effective weight management and weight loss must be able to address all factors and reasons for your weight. Products and weight loss programs that say weight loss is possible without having to change your eating habits or lifestyle are simply fraudulent. This is the reason why products and programs that claim to offer fast and easy results should be disregarded. Attempting to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time is not only ineffective, it is also unhealthy. Keep yourself in check and don't fall for gimmicks that promise results in a short period of time. Be realistic and start losing weight the right way.
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